Successful competitive bowls side posing Bowls league ladder Bowls Victoria logo Port Phillip Shield
Latest BV Standings:   Wknd: Side 1, Side 2, Side 3,    Mdwk: Side 1, Side 2

Competitive Bowling at APBC

During the summer season Albert Park Bowls Club competes against other clubs in both the Weekend and Midweek Pennant competitions organised by Bowls Victoria. In the off season club sides compete in Winter Pennant and other league competitions. The club also organises its own pairs and singles leagues exclusively for members.

Fixture lists and other helpful information for the 2023/4 pennant season can be found below:

Throughout the year there are also Tournaments organised either for club members or for invited teams including those from other clubs. Members can also sign up for the annual Club Championships.

Bowls Victoria Pennant

Bowls Victoria organizes several leagues where sides compete for a seasonal pennant. Weekend Pennant generally comprises 4 rinks of 2 bowl fours and APBC currently has three sides in that competition. Midweek Pennant comprises 3 rinks of 2 bowl fours, in which we have two sides entered. Below are links to more information on each. In addition, when there are more midweek players available than required, Midweek Bankers matches are organized, which are open to all members with an interest in competitive bowling.

Winter Pennant

Winter Pennant comprises a short season from late April to early July. This is the ideal way for bowlers to maintain or hone their skills during the off season. They will also enjoy match formats that differ from the pennant standard 2 bowl fours. Albert Park BC typically enters 3 or 4 sides into this competition.

Previous Seasons

Weekend Pennant Final Standings

Midweek Pennant Final Standings